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Workshop for the Live Art Camp in Melbourne Australia in November 2014.

  • Live Art Camp Melbourne Australia (carte)

Workshop dance gived by Eric MInh Cuong Castaing during the artist's meeting.


The Live Art Camp is a week-long event for 35 artists & is currently being curated by Triage & Arts House. The project is part of a broader EU/AU international collaboration project called: Hotel Obscura. Hotel Obscura will be developed by performance companies in Australia, France, Greece & Austria (2014-2016). The project focuses on the hotel as a site, and the intersections between live art, cinema, dance, hybrid &/or digital practices, and the relations (remote & intimate) between our two regions (the EU/AU). 

3 octobre

Minotauromachism - performance- Toulouse- festival jardins synthétiques

5 novembre

Parcours-ateliers danse /arts numérique: le corps Picassien par la cie Shonen